Thursday, January 3, 2008

What, Why, Where & How | 9 Dollar Safe List

Safe lists. Do they work, or do they just fill your email inbox with authorised SPAM?

Well, I have to say I have used safe lists for a little while now, and have found that they have received a reasonable response. I get clicks on my Google Adsense ads, and people are starting to leave comments, so I have to say I am happy with them. So when I was asked to test drive a relatively new safe list site - 9 Dollar Safe List - I was happy to give it a go.

The first thing I noticed upfront is that, unlike some of the lists I have joined, 9 Dollar Safe List is actually managed by a real person who responds to your enquires, quickly. This is an important aspect to me of any site I join.

The other thing I noticed is that the site is easy to navigate. There are a few that I have tried to use where by the time you’ve posted your free ad about 8 windows have opened and if you’re new to safe lists you are left wondering if you have set everything up right. 9 Dollar Safe List is all contained in the one window with easy to understand labels.

9 Dollars Safe List offers a variety of options for you to advertise. Included are:
  • Banner Ads
  • Free Ads
  • Solo Ads
  • Traffic Exchange
  • Referral Builder
Banner Ads:
Each page you visit on 9 Dollar Safe List has a banner on it, so if you buy some banner impressions, you’re sure to see some reasonable results.

Free Ads:
Rather than bombarding members with safe list emails, 9 Dollar Safe List have created an environment where members log in and read the ads to receive advertising credits. This ensures that your ad is being read by people and not either going to some free email address such as hotmail and being ignored, o being deleted the second that the email is received by the list member

Solo Ads:
Solo ads can be purchased for $5 per ad, or alternatively you can trade credits for solo ads. For each solo ad you receive and read you will earn 99 credits and for each free ad you read you will receive 10 points. When you have accumulated 15,000 points you will have the option of cashing them out for solo ads.

Traffic Exchange:
Another feature that 9 Dollar Safe List offers is a traffic exchange. Add your site and people are able to auto surf for points. If you are after some additional points yourself, you can have a surf and accumulate some extra points. Pro members are credited 0.8 credits per page view and free members are credited 0.4 credits per page view.

Referral Builder:
This section of 9 Dollar Safe List allows you to enter your referral ID into several programs such as other safe list programs and traffic building sites. The upshot of this is that is people you refer don’t belong to a site listed then they have the option of joining under you. You can be sure that I have added all of my referral codes in to this section.

OK, that about does it for features, and if you ask me that’s not a bad list of features. There are two membership choices on offer, a free membership (which will cost you nothing) and a Pro membership (which will cost you $9 - hence the name). The main difference that you will find between the two options is the Pro gives you more of the great features that are listed above. For example, if you are a free member, you get to post a free ad every 3 days, if you are a Pro member there is no limit to the number of free ads you can post. Also if you are a free member you can earn $5 per Pro member you refer and if you are a Pro member you earn $9. Sorry, had I forgotten to mention this as a benefit / feature of this site?

Ok, here’s the deal. For every member you refer you get paid a commission. The commissions are paid on the first of each month directly to your Paypal account - so make sure you update your details once you have clicked your confirmation email by clicking on the edit button. The rate you are paid depends on your membership. Like I mentioned above, you get $9 if you take the time to spend $9 on a lifetime membership (not a monthly rate, but a once off payment) and if you stick with the free membership you can still earn, but it’s only $5 per Pro member you are responsible for referring.

So, that’s 9 Dollar Safe List. I suppose the only left for me to comment on is the response rate of the ads. I posted a solo ad on a Wednesday night. A night that I typically find to have the lowest response rates of any one day of the week. I’m not sure why this is, but every time I forget and post on a Wednesday I get poor click through rates for my solo ads (let me know if you have had similar experience - perhaps you have found a different night to be slower). Within the first 10 minutes I had 5 people visit the site, and two of them clicked on the links within the article I sent them to. 24 hours later 43 people had clicked through (that’s about 25% - there were 191 members on 9 Dollar Safe List when I sent the ad). Given it was a Wednesday when I posted I decided to give it 48 hours to see what the total number of clicks was that I received. I have to say I was impressed. I usually only see about 10% click through rate AFTER 48 hours, let alone 25% click through within the first 24 hours.

Overall I found the site to be easy to navigate, the webmaster to be attentive and helpful, and the response to be higher than expected. The site currently only boasts about 200 people on the list. I feel that give it a little time and this will expand to considerably more and may even rival some of the more established safe list sites. I give site a thumbs up and encourage you to do as I have done and join and have a good look around. If you have the same experience I have in the short time I have been a member then I am sure you will feel the $9 for the pro membership is more than worth it.

Please click on any of the hyper linked text’s in this entry to be taken to the 9 Dollar Safe List site.

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